Anyways, enough apologizing, let's get to the project! I've been wanting to paint my living room for a long time now. For as long as I can remember it's been painted blue. I have nothing against blue, but when you have blue carpet and blue walls and blue accessories, gets a bit overwhelming. So I knew that I wanted to paint it, but I struggled for the longest time about what color to paint it. I thought I would do gray for the longest time, which probably would have looked fine, but it never really sat well with me.
I finally found some inspiration from the photo below:
Yeah, I know it's a bedroom not a living room, but I was more concerned with the color scheme and patterns in the room than the furniture that was in it. I already had some toile valances in my living room, which I thought would fit in nicely with the sort of style seen above. Most importantly, I loved the blue with the understated khaki walls. After much thought a deliberation I finally decided to go with a khaki color for the walls.
Now before I show you the repainted/decorated room, I want to take you back to about a year and a half ago. This is our living room. Brace yourself, it's not a pretty sight:
To be fair, these pictures were taken during a short period of time when my brother had practically turned the living room into his own little office, so the room didn't always look so bad, but still, I think you get the idea.
Alright, so here is the room after about a year of work, gradually painting this, refinishing that, etc.

The sofa had to stay, because we simply can't afford a new sofa right now. However, I plan on getting a slipcover for it as well as some new pillows. Just look at those frumpy blue pillows; awful!
This old rocking chair, which belonged to my grandma, was also kept. (It's not pictured in the before photos, but it was in the room) I hope to recover the cushions on it or buy new cushions for it, and make a toss pillow or two for it.
The TV had to stay of course, but I'm desperately hoping to find a new stand for it at a garage sale or thrift store. Hopefully something that will hide the TV when it's not in use.
The bookshelf got fresh new decor. Unfortunately there's still a little empty part on the left side, 'cause I couldn't find anything that filled that spot correctly. :P Oh yes, and that darn knob fell off one day and never got put back on.
My favorite little corner.
Just a few more details:

Just a few more details:

So there you are!
The rooms not finished, by any means, but I think it looks loads better and
I'm completely satisfied with the khaki color; it really helps draws attention away from the blue carpet, imo.
Thank you all so much for reading and don't forget to check out these awesome link parties!
The rooms not finished, by any means, but I think it looks loads better and
I'm completely satisfied with the khaki color; it really helps draws attention away from the blue carpet, imo.
Thank you all so much for reading and don't forget to check out these awesome link parties!